Call for teaching artists for Dance Educator’s Critical Dance Pedagogy Artist Lab

An opportunity to engage in a funded two-day artist lab at Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) in Leeds.

17 November 2023


The Dance Educator’s Critical Dance Pedagogy Artist Lab is part of an AHRC funded network called Critical Dance Pedagogy through Discourse and Practice.

Critical Dance Pedagogy aims to raise awareness of socially embedded assumptions and dominant structural power relations that produce unjust educational and socio-cultural outcomes. As disciplines, dance and dance education are not immune to these numerous inequities and injustices.

This two-day funded dance education residency at Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) Leeds, will be facilitated by experienced artist Stuart Waters.

During the two days, Friday 12th and Saturday 13th January 2024, up to twenty artists from across the UK, can immerse themselves in practical and creative learning and reflection around equity, diversity, inclusion and student-centred pedagogy, and develop their teaching and artistic practice.

The residency will have a laboratory feel to it, a moving, safe place and professional development opportunity, to experiment, while developing a rich understanding of enabling a student-centred pedagogy.

The network is led by Professor Angela Pickard (Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health, Canterbury Christ Church University), co-led by Dr Kathryn Stamp (Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University) with a core team: Darren Carr (NSCD), Andrew Hurst (ODUK), Dr Aoife McGrath (Queen’s University, Belfast) and Dr Wendy Timmons (University of Edinburgh), supported by project manager Dr Precious Sango (Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health, Canterbury Christ Church University).

The steering group of industry partners for the network are: People Dancing, Dance HE, South East Dance, Parable Dance, Parents and Carers in Performing Arts (PiPA), Advancing Women's Aspirations in Dance (AWA), and Dance Mama. New Adventures are also supporting the planning of this network.

To apply for a place, please complete this short form by 4pm on 15th December: