Headshot of Andrew Carrick. Black and white headshot of male with short hair wearing a black t-shirt.

Andrew Carrick

Andrew Carrick is Director of education consultancy CarrickWorks, an adviser to many prestige organisations (public, private and third sector) on their successful and responsible engagement with education. His work is about creating effective and appropriate marketing, digital strategies and partnerships, and producing award-winning educational campaigns and content for clients.   Andrew “discovered” dance relatively late when by chance, he attended a dance rehearsal and was smitten. He has lost no time seizing every opportunity to experience new and old works since “Day Zero” and champions dance with all the passion of a convert. Andrew is particularly interested in the opportunities for expanding the role of dance in schools, and more generally, supporting dance for children and young people. In his spare time, he enthusiastically supports contemporary dance, music and theatre.   Andrew served on the Board of Youth Dance England for several years, chairing their Development Committee. He has also been governor in primary and secondary schools and is currently Vice-Chair at a State secondary in North London. He has also been a trustee for children’s charity Childhope and a coach for Teach First. He is a history graduate of Oxford and Sheffield universities and has an MRes from King’s College London, focusing on the history of childhood in the UK in the interwar period.