Dance in Education

  • Location Online and In Person available
  • Cost £200 - £300

Date: Choose a date that suits you

Start Time: Bookable at your convenience

End Time: Bookable at your convenience

Cost: £200 - £300

The current landscape for dance to exist is constantly changing – we have designed a course to give you a full and current picture of Dance being delivered in education settings. You’ll learn from our team of Children and Young People’s experts who have a rich experience of working in school settings. 

 Session content includes:  

  • The place of dance in mainstream education across the UK 
  • The benefits of studying dance 
  • Challenges and barriers 
  • Championing dance education 


  • Grow your understanding of dance within the UK education context
  • Feel more confident articulating the value of dance education

Member | Online | £200  

Non-Member | Online | £235  

Member | In Person | £250  

Non-Member | In Person | £300