ONE Magazine | Autumn 2021

Please note: ONE magazine is free for members. To read a copy, sign up for membership
Special Focus on Evolution
This issue of ONE looks at ways the dance sector continues to evolve, with think pieces, interviews and advice for all those involved in dance.
Features include:
- Interview with Freddie Opoku-Addaie, Dance Umbrella's Artistic Director
- The launch of BBC Dance Passion 2022!
- Dancer health and wellbeing articles on safeguarding dancers, considering differences and neurodiversity, parenthood and dance
- Industry developments including trailblazers in equality and inclusion, West End castings, new touring models and more
- Dance education issues including dance at higher education, surveying dance teachers, innovative ways of increasing attainment and resources for teachers
Who is this for? One Magazine
Created on 11 April 2024