CPD Health and Wellbeing Snippet 5: Acute Injury Management

Our CPD Snippets programme is a series of short, easily accessible recorded CPD sessions available for members to access at a convenient time, throughout the duration of your membership.
Recordings are approximately 10 minutes long and designed as introductions to key topics in health and wellbeing. The series of five short recordings will cover nutrition for dance, rest and burnout, warm up and cool down, the adolescent dancer, and acute injury management.
This CPD snippet looks at how to manage an acute (sudden) injury. In the session, we look at ankle sprain as an example of acute injury and address the following topics: What does the ankle do? What happens when you sprain your ankle? What to do next: assessment and management. This snippet is led by Dr Nick Allen, MSc (Sports Med), BSc Hons., MCSP.
Dr Allen is Clinical Director, Birmingham Royal Ballet, Honorary Lecturer, Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, Barts and the London School of Medicine, Queen Mary University of London. Dr Allen has recently released a book, Injury Prevention and Management for Dancers.
If you need help with an injury, check out our free dance injury clinics through the National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science. To learn more about injury prevention and management, read our new One Dance UK information sheet. If you’d like more in-depth education, you can book a Healthier Dancer Talk in person or online.
Who is this for? Videos, Health and Wellbeing
Created on 15 April 2024