Considering Difference – Making Dance Accessible

Reading and Resource List  

This list has been put together to supplement the Considering Difference – Making Dance Accessible project. The resources signposted here have helped to inform the Considering Difference project, as well as One Dance UK’s wider work around access and inclusion.  

We update this list regularly, and weblinks are accurate at the time of being added. If you would like to recommend a resource for our list, please email  

Reading and Resource List

You might find these resources helpful if you are looking to create your own access rider, or to support others in designing theirs.  

Alexandrina Hemsley – Access Rider Open Template  

Disability Arts Online – Access Rider Open Template  

You might find these resources helpful if you are looking to dive deeper into disability advocacy and discourse within the dance sector.

Activity Alliance – Disability Inclusion Support – Facts and Statistics 

AQA - Resource and Support Guide: Inclusivity in Dance   

Benjamin, A. (2022). Making an Entrance: Dancing out the Message Behind Inclusive Practice 2nd Edition. Routledge, London   

Benjamin, A. (2001). Making an Entrance: Theory and Practice for Disabled and Non-Disabled Dancers. Routledge. London, England.  

Dubon, M., Siegel, R., Morris, M., Tomasic, M., & Smith, J. (2020). New Directions in Dance Medicine: Dancers with Disabilities, Blindness/Low Vision, and/or Deafness/Hard of Hearing. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America. Vol 32. Iss 1.  

Get Out Get Active - Developing Inclusive Leaders in Haringey  

GOV.UK – Disability and Equality Indicators  

GOV.UK – Disability Facts and Figures  

GOV.UK – Fulfilling Potential – Making it Happen for Disabled People  

HM Government - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement  

IDance – Dance and Disability  

Shape Arts – Social Model of Disability  

Whatley, S., et al. (2018). Dance, Disability and Law: In Visible Difference. Intellect. Bristol, England.   

Inclusion London – The Social Model of Disability

Every Body Moves

Activity Alliance: Disability Inclusion Sport - Leisure Factsheets

Unlimited - Is disability a dirty word? Language and the labels we use

You might find these resources helpful if you are looking to learn more about finance and fees as a barrier to accessing dance.  

Child Poverty Action Group - Cost of the School Day resources  

Mencap – Cost of Living Crisis: Information and Advice  


You might find these resources helpful if you are looking to learn more about inclusive practice.

National Youth Ballet - All In!

ISTD - Discover Dance for All

You might find these resources helpful if you are looking for organisations who are championing access, or who offer specialised support.

Accessable – Your accessibility guide  

Creative Access  

Deafinitely Theatre  

Disability Arts Online – Directory  

Infinite Flow Dance  

ISTD - Directory of Inclusive Dance Organisations 




Sense - TouchBase Pears