Curriculum and Assessment Review - Call for Evidence

This is an important opportunity to share perspectives on potential improvements to the curriculum and assessment system with decision-makers.

25 October 2024


Department for Education is currently seeking views from stakeholders to share their perspectives on potential improvements to the curriculum and assessment system. This provides a vital opportunity for the value and importance of high-quality dance education to be championed and shared with decision makers. 

As the Subject Association for dance in schools, One Dance UK will be providing a detailed and comprehensive response on behalf of the sector. We are currently with colleagues and partner organisations through the Programme Board: Children and Young People's Dance, which draws together all organisations with a strategic remit for children and young people's dance in England, to shape our collective response. Once finalised, we will share our key themes and content before submission.

As a lead partner on the Save our Subjects campaign, alongside ISM and NSEAD we will also be submitting a joint response on behalf of all members of that campaign.

We recognise that individuals and organisations working in dance will also wish to respond directly ahead of the deadline of 22 November.

Further information and the form for written submissions can be found here

The DfE is also running a series of in-person roadshows, where views will be gathered. Register here: Register - Contact Details