Creative Summer Residency programme with Dance City

Dance City and Newcastle College are opening their studios and offering them, free of charge to professional dance artists throughout the summer.

12 May 2023


Group of female dancers huddled together lifting one person up in the middle on a dark stage

The Creative Summer Residency programme exists to support dance artists regionally and nationally in developing single or collaborative ideas involving choreography, dance and movement.

Dance City and Newcastle College are opening their studios and offering them, free of charge to professional dance artists, throughout the summer, week commencing 31 July – week commencing 28 August.

Dance City’s aim is to offer at least half of the Creative Summer studio space to artists based in the North East of England and the other half to artists working outside of the region.

People are invited to develop ideas and movement for up to one week, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm, in one of our purpose-built studios. On the Monday there will be a welcome meeting for artists and staff to get to know each other and on the Friday you are invited to hold a  20 – 30 minute sharing, open to the artistic community and public to attend to encourage conversations and relationships.

Autumn 2023 sees the return of Dance Edits, a dance platform for artists to present new work in the theatre at Dance City, Newcastle. If you would like to present the work that you are developing during your Creative Summer residency at this platform, we invite you to consider this and detail on the Expression of Interest that you would like more information about this opportunity.

To apply for a Creative Summer 2023 residency, please:

  • Complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form below
  • If you would like to apply through a different medium than a written application, please contact Alex Anslow via email or via telephone 0191 269 5586.
  • The deadline for completed EOIs is 12 noon on Tuesday 13 June 2023.
  • Residencies will be confirmed, and artists/companies informed by the Friday 16 June 2023.

Link to the expression of interest form and more information about Creative Summer can be found here: