Nor I negotiating space

  • Location: Riverside Studios, London
  • Cost: £10, £6.50 concession, festival pass available

Date: 03 Jul 24

Start Time: 3, 4, 5th of July

End Time: 3, 4, 5th of July

Event Capacity: 150

Cost: £10, £6.50 concession, festival pass available

Nor I is a solo work based on the use of stillness and repetition in Samuel Beckett’s work. Investigating the impact of repetitions on the human body and its traces in stillness, each movement builds upon the next, yet remains caught in an almost claustrophobic state. Negotiating space is a solo that explores fluids and its affect on the human body. Repetitious almost as in a spiralling sense of the urge to completion... As if spirals are circles trying to complete themselves.

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